środa, 19 października 2011
High Pressure - The Story of Ireland's First Big Wave Surf Contest
High Pressure - The Story of Ireland's First Big Wave Surf Contest is a forthcoming documentary presenting inside views of what was considered a groundbreaking event in Irish waters, held at Mullaghmore Head in February 2011. Along the journey towards the contest, it explores deeper elements of the sport and the value of waves as a natural resource along the Irish west coast. Credits: Produced, directed and edited by Dave Mottershead Daniela Gross Camera Dave Mottershead Daniela Gross Peter Clyne Peter Martin Michal Czubala Glyn Ovens Peter Conroy Barry Mottershead Photos Aaron Pierce Soundtrack Mark Black For further enquiries contact mullyproductions@gmail.com
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http://ekstra.sport.pl/ekstra/1,151825,19971902,amazonski-triatlon.html?disableRedirects=true - Cały czas płynąłem za Marcinem na wynajęte...
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Artur Hajzer < artur @himountain.pl > Date: 201...
Odrazu jak usiedlismy w tej knajpce zaserwowano nam jak to mówi szef kuchni Apetaizer:( szef zapamiętał to trudne słowo z Tenerki:) Wszysc...