piątek, 7 września 2012

Riders on the Storm - Artur Kozlowski - underwater exploration beneath Gort Lowland - full movie

Riders on the Storm - Artur Kozlowski - underwater exploration beneath Gort Lowland - full movie from Waldasso on Vimeo.
The deepest underwater cave traverse in UK and Ireland 3km of underwater passages explored 30 months 45 dives 2 winter floods average depth -45m maximum depth -62m visibility ... 1m Project awarded by KOLOS 2010 polish cave diving Legend - Artur Conrad Kozlowski RIP

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http://ekstra.sport.pl/ekstra/1,151825,19971902,amazonski-triatlon.html?disableRedirects=true - Cały czas płynąłem za Marcinem na wynajęte...